Search Results

Results for "keyword: poverty, submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other"
Where Is God? On the plight of poor women who bear the brunt of suffering and pain in the world and stand as the focal point of life.
Living the Japanese Arts & Ways H. E. Davey on how one creates contentment in Japanese Arts and Ways.
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh Metropolitan Anthony shares a bout Martin Buber with a teaching story about the riches that ensue from faith in a loving God.
Spiritual Writings on Mary Megan McKenna on Our Lady of Guadalupe on compassion (from book edited by Mary ford-Grabowsky).
Our Day to End Poverty Gives many ideas on how to connect typical daily activities to projects to end world poverty in our time.
Solitude & Compassion A rich and deep vision of the heart of the Gospel.
Poverty and Joy Salutes Francis of Assisi for bringing new vitality to the ancient Christian story.
What Jesus Meant Erik Kolbell presents a thought-provoking interpretation of the Beatitudes on peace. Here is an excerpt by Robert Heilbroner on living like the poor of the world.
Meal by Meal Donald Altman on being kind with our leftover food.
Let Your Life Speak Parker Palmer on being authentic and loving.